Section 1 – The name of this organization is: St. Petersburg Half Century Softball Club.
Section 2 – This Club is a non-profit organization with the purpose and objective of playing a number of scheduled and exhibition games each season for the entertainment of the public, to promote physical fitness, and to hold special recreational affairs as may be determined by a majority of Club members for the benefit of the members their spouses and friends.
Section 1 – Membership in this Club consists of four forms: Active, Probationary, Inactive, and Honorary as defined below:
An Active member , who is able to play.
Players 74 years of age or older at the start of the season will have their Active status reviewed annually by the Board in accordance with the By-Laws -
A Probationary member is one who has been accepted into the Club as a player on probation.
An Inactive member is one who is unable to play for some reason acceptable to the Club but wishes to maintain his affiliation.
An Honorary member is one who has been incapacitated by age or otherwise, or is serving the Club in some essential capacity, or any person who has performed some meritorious service for the Club.
Section 2 – Application for membership shall be made in writing under the regulations as prescribed in the By-Laws of this Club.
Section 1 – The Officers (Board of Directors) shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer and an Executive Committee of three members. These Officers shall be nominated and elected at a regular meeting in accordance with the By-Laws.
Section 2 – Only Active and Inactive members are eligible to hold elected office.
Section 1 – The revenue of the Club shall be derived from dues, donations, and any other fund raising projects approved by the Club.
Section 1 – This Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the Club by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members attending (presuming a quorum is present) provided that the amendment shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors and read at a preceding meeting.
Section 1 – Annual dues shall consist of two elements, dues and a playing fee, both of which shall be set each year by the Board of Directors. Active members are required to pay both elements. Inactive members are required to pay dues only. First time probationary members are required to pay both elements plus a charge for uniforms.
Section 1 – This Constitution and the accompanying By-Laws and Rules shall supersede any and all previous Constitution, By-Laws, Rules and Amendments heretofore adopted by the Club.
Revised and Approved March 2008
Revised and Approved November 2010
Revised and Approved October 2014
Revised and Approved October 2016
Revised and Approved October 2019
Section 1 – The Active and Inactive members of the Club constitute the final ruling body of the Club with the right to vote on any and all matters brought before it by the Board of Directors.
Section 2 – Probationary and Honorary members have the right to vote only on social activities.
Section 1 – Any person desiring to become an Active member shall submit an application with a copy of acceptable proof of birth date (to be retained by the Club) on proper form to the Treasurer or designated Board member.
Section 2 – After the receipt of applicable fees, each applicant and Probationary player will be approved or denied by the Board. New applicants approved by the Board may temporarily play pending final approval by the membership.
Section 3 – No application for membership will be accepted until the applicant has reached their 49th birthday.
Section 4 – After one or more season’s absence, unless on paid Inactive status, any former member must reapply the same as a new member. If accepted in accordance with the procedures of Section 2, the applicant is not required to serve as a Probationary member, and prior service will be credited. A former member expelled for misconduct or similar reasons shall again serve a probationary period.
Section 5 – An Active member is from age 49 to 74 who is able to play, or a player 74 years of age or older who has been granted Active member status by the Board. Any player who is unable to play because of illness or injury and has been incapacitated for nine consecutive games or more during the season will be placed on the Disabled List and will be removed from the team’s roster. Upon readiness to play, the player will report to the President or Vice-President. The Board of Directors, after recommendation from the Competition Committee, will determine assignment. A player may remain on the Disabled List for no longer than one year, after which the player shall again apply for membership.
Section 6 – A member desiring a leave of absence shall submit a request in writing to the President, who will evaluate the request and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors, who will approve or disapprove the request. The limit of the leave will be one year, but may be extended upon reapplication by the member. This member shall be considered an Inactive member upon payment of the applicable fee.
Section 7 – A new Probationary member shall be admitted to the Club for a period of one or more years. If accepted on probation before January 1, the member will be eligible to be voted upon for Active membership at the first regular meeting in March upon completion of the probationary period following acceptance. If the Probationary member is accepted after January 1, the Probationary member will not be eligible to be voted upon until the following January. Members who are Probationary by virtue being of being 74 years of age or older shall have their Active member status reviewed annually by the Board. In assessing status, the Board will consider the needs of the club pursuant to Article VI, Section 1 of the By-Laws and Section 2, Paragraph 2 of the Rules and Responsibilities. If member disagrees with Board’s decision, member may exercise their right to call for a vote of status at the next member meeting. Additionally, any active member may also make a motion for a status vote on behalf of the 74-year-old plus member
Section 8 – An Inactive Member is one who is unable to play for some reason acceptable to the Club but wishes to maintain affiliation with the Club. An Inactive member shall pay a fee set by the Board of Directors. The member remains eligible to vote on all matters and to hold elected office.
Section 9 – An Honorary Member is one who is no longer a Club member due to age or otherwise, is serving the Club in some essential capacity, or is a person who has performed some meritorious service for the Club, and is approved by the Board of Directors. An Active member who has served 10 or more years as a player may become an Honorary member after retirement from Active membership.
Section 10 – The Club shall have the right and authority to censure, suspend, or expel a member for reasons of unsportsmanlike conduct, for dishonorable conduct, or for actions or utterances inimical or detrimental to the aims, purposes or welfare of the Club.
Any two Board members have the duty and authority, as does the home plate umpire, to act immediately on any matter that warrants a game ejection. Ejection offenses will be handled in a three-tier manner.
When a player is ejected from a game by an umpire or Board members, the player will receive a one-game suspension, excluding cancellations due to weather or other reasons, and will be given a formal written warning of possible additional disciplinary action that can be taken in accord with Club By-Laws.
When a player is ejected from a game for a second time within a one-year period, the player will be suspended for the next two scheduled games, excluding cancellations.
If a player is ejected from a game for a third time within a one-year period, the player will be suspended from all subsequent games until a vote is taken on the player’s status by the membership at a Club meeting. The member shall be given the chance to speak on the member’s own behalf before the Board and membership before any vote is taken. Voting will be by secret ballot. The player may be suspended for the balance of the season by a simple majority vote. Expulsion will require a two-thirds vote of the membership.
If members become aware of a member’s conduct or other issues detrimental to the Club not involving ejections, they should inform the Board. The Board will discuss the matter with the member and take appropriate action, if warranted.
Members who exhibit conduct described in the first paragraph of this section may be subject to censure, suspension or expulsion from the Club.
The Board may censure a member by written letter detailing the member’s unacceptable conduct and detailing additional discipline, including suspension or expulsion, that may be taken if the conduct persists.
The Board may suspend a member for a set number of games if the member’s conduct is serious enough to warrant temporary removal from play. The Board will send a letter to the player detailing the unacceptable conduct and term of the suspension.
A member may be expelled from the Club through a vote of the membership at a special meeting of the Club. The Board, on its own initiative, may call a special meeting in accord with Article VIII, Section 3 to consider expulsion of a member. Members may also petition the Board to expel a member based upon conduct described in the first paragraph of this section. A petition to expel a member may be brought by any Active member and signed by five other Active members. If a petition is submitted, the Board will determine if a vote by the membership will take place or if some other discipline may be warranted.
All sides at the special meeting will be heard before any vote is taken. Voting will be by secret ballot. A player will be expelled only if the total votes for expulsion equal at least two-thirds of the total number of Active and Inactive members of the Club.
All suspended or expelled players will be substituted for or replaced on team rosters in accordance with existing substitution rules contained in the Club Rules and Responsibilities.
Section 1 – The absence of any elected officer from three consecutive meetings of the Club or Board of Directors, without justification satisfactory to the Board of Directors, shall constitute sufficient reason for removal of the officer from office.
Section 2 – When, for any reason, an elective office becomes vacant, the Board of Directors shall appoint another eligible member to fill the vacancy, except for the office of President, which shall be filled by the Vice-President.
Section 3 – The election of officers will be as follows.
At the first meeting in March, a Nominating Committee will present a slate of candidates.
At the Second meeting in March, the floor will be open for other nominations. The offices will then be voted in the following order: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer and Executive Board members. Officers shall hold office for one year. In case of a vacancy, the successor shall remain in office for the unexpired term. The newly elected officers will be installed as the last order of business at the regular meeting in April.
Section 1 – The Board of Directors shall assure that the Club is operated in a manner worthy of the Club’s objective; transact all routine business of the Club and recommend any pertinent items at regular meetings; supervise all purchases and approve all expenses and present same to the Treasurer; arrange for an audit of the financial records within 30 days after the completion of the season each year; approve donations to outside organizations; report at each regular meeting; recommend Probationary members for Active status; receive recommendations from all committees, amending as appropriate and submitting them to the membership.
Section 2 – The President shall preside at all meetings; preserve decorum at all times, both on and off the field; be responsible for the proper functioning of the elected officers and committees; appoint a Chair for the Rules Committee and Brochure Committee; and be a co-signer on Club checks when required. The President will be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Section 3 – The Vice-President shall be the Chair of the Membership Committee; be a co-signer on Club checks when required; and, in the absence of the President, assume all of the President’s duties.
Section 4 – The Secretary shall carry on such correspondence as may be referred to the Secretary;
act as Secretary for the Board; keep a master book of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations, posting all changes and amendments; prepare a list of all members with addresses, phone numbers and email addresses and distribute it electronically or in hard copy to each member; take charge of all papers and documents belonging to the Club, preserving same in a suitable container; maintain a bulletin board at the field; and be a co-signer on Club checks when required.
Section 5 – The Treasurer shall prepare a written report for each meeting. This report will include bank balance, unpaid bills and other data deemed to be of interest to the membership. The Treasurer shall be prepared to answer any questions pertaining to the Club’s current financial status. The Treasurer will draw all checks, securing a co-signer when required. The Treasurer will arrange for newly signed signature cards to be filed at the bank after elections and will maintain all records of the Club’s finances in accordance with good accounting practices.
Section 6 – The Assistant Secretary/Treasurer shall assist the Secretary and Treasurer and assume the duties in the absence of either, as well as perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 7 – Members of the Executive Board shall serve on the Rules Committee as well as perform those other duties as directed by the President and/or Board of Directors.
Section 1 – The President may appoint any committee deemed necessary, including, but not limited to the following: Membership, Grievance, Rules, Brochure, and Competition. Establishment of any committee is at the sole discretion of the President with advice from the Board of Directors.
Section 2 – The Membership Committee may consist of the Vice-President and three members appointed by the President. They will evaluate and recommend approval or disapproval of all applicants and forward the applications to the Secretary.
Section 3 - The Grievance Committee may be comprised of one member from each team. They will take under advisement any serious disagreements among members, receive all protests, and recommend action to the Board of Directors. The President will convene the first meeting, and the Committee will then elect a Chair.
Section 4 – The Rules Committee may consist of the members of the Executive Board. They shall interpret all rules, receive and evaluate any suggestions for changes, and advise the full Board of their recommendations. The President shall ensure that each member is provided with a written copy of the rules as well as coordinating with the Secretary to insure that a complete current set of rules is available at all times. They will also perform other duties as directed by the President and/or Board of Directors.
Section 5 – The Brochure Committee may be appointed by the President with a Chair selected from the Executive Board and as many volunteer members from the membership as may be necessary to publish the brochure.
Section 6 – The Competition Committee may be established and comprised of at least one active member from each team. They would evaluate player personnel and recommend to the Board any changes brought about by loss of players through injury or departure.
Section 1 – The Board of Directors will organize, select and balance teams. Selection of the teams shall be made in accordance with the existing Club Rules and Responsibilities.
Section 2 – Only Active members in good standing will be eligible to be picked for teams.
Section 1 – Nominations for elective office shall occur at the first meeting in March. Final Nominations and elections shall be held at the second meeting in March.
Section 2 – Elections for office and other votes by the membership shall be conducted by secret ballot. Majority and plurality votes shall be determined based upon votes actually cast, except as provided elsewhere in these By-Laws.
Section 3 – For all votes, the President shall appoint two tellers, who will pass out ballots, collect, count, and tally the vote and advise the President, who will announce the results. In elections for Board offices, if more than two candidates are running for a single position, the candidate receiving a plurality of votes cast will be elected.
Section 1 – Regular meetings of the Club shall be held on Monday in the first and third weeks of October and March and the first week of November, December, January, February, and April of each year. The Board of Directors shall meet at any other times deemed necessary.
Section 2 – Fifty percent (50%) of Active and Inactive members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a regular meeting or special meeting of the Club. This requirement may be waived by a majority of attending Active and Inactive members.
Section 3 – The President may call a Special meeting at any time or upon written request of nine Active members. The Board of Directors must approve a written request. The President will provide sufficient advance notice of the meeting to the members and state the purpose of the meeting and ensure that any necessary background information is provided. Only those matters so stated shall be taken up at this meeting.
Section 4 – Normally no meeting of the Club will be held at the playing field. If it is absolutely necessary to hold a meeting at the field, it will normally be held after the completion of the first game, at the discretion of the President. Every effort will be made to notify all members as to dates and times of all meetings sufficiently in advance of the meetings.
Section 5 – Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings covered by the Constitution or By-Laws. A copy is to be kept by the President, and it shall be available at all meetings.
Section 6 – The Order of Business for Regular Meetings is as follows:
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Communications from the Board
Report of Captains, if requested by the President
Committee Reports, if requested by the President
Board of Directors Report
Unfinished Business
New Business
Section 1 – Uniforms and equipment used by the Club will be purchased as required with approval by the Board of Directors.
Section 2 – The custodians of any equipment belonging to the Club shall report at the beginning and end of each season as to the quantity and condition of the equipment in their care. This report will be given to the Secretary.
Section 1 – When a player is physically fit and otherwise available to play and refuses a request of the Team Captain or Substitute Captain to play in any scheduled or make-up game or to perform their assigned duties, the player will be suspended for three consecutive games, not including cancellations.
Section 1 – Control of funds shall be under the Board of Directors.
Section 1 – Amendments to the By-Laws may be proposed by any Active member and signed on to by five other Active members. Proposed amendments shall be studied by the Executive Board, who in turn will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors whether to submit them for a vote by Club members or return the amendments to the originator with comments. If the amendments are submitted for a vote, the Board will ensure that all members receive an electronic or hard copy of the amendments, and they will be presented at the next general membership meeting. A vote will then take place at the following general membership meeting. In order to approve amending the By-Laws, the vote must total at least two-thirds of the total number of Active and Inactive members of the Club. The President may provide for absentee voting by email or paper ballots for approval of By-Law amendments.
Section 2 – The Board of Directors may propose amendments to the By-Laws. Procedures for a vote on amendments proposed by the Board will be the same as those for amendments proposed by members.
Section 1 – The Board of Directors will promulgate and revise Club Rules and Responsibilities as needed. A rule may be repealed if a majority of the membership submits a petition to the Board requesting repeal of the rule. The petition shall be submitted within 90 days after notice of the rule is furnished to the members. If necessary, the Board may promulgate a new rule after repeal of the previous rule and provide notice to the membership.
Original November 2003
Revised and Approved February 2009
Revised and Approved November 2010
Revised and Approved October 2014
Revised and Approved November 2015
Revised and Approved October 2019
The USA Softball Official Rules of Softball, specific to modified fast pitch play, apply in all situations not specifically modified herein. The Board of Directors has adopted these rules as specific changes or additions to the USA Softball rules. The Board has authority to deal with any infractions.
The season will generally cover 21 or 22 weeks starting in mid- October and concluding usually around the end of the first week in April. Players who know they will be unable to fulfill this commitment must notify the Board when they register for the season or as soon as they know. A player who cannot commit to playing for the entire season may be assigned to the Pool at the discretion of the Board. The season consists of approximately sixty games. The season champion will be determined by a playoff at the end of the season. The Board will set the format and seeding for a post-season tournament.
The Board is responsible for the selection of teams and may use any method deemed appropriate to strive for competitive equality, to include use of a Selection Committee. Each team will consist of a maximum of eleven players; at its discretion, the Board may expand rosters during the season.
The normal schedule will consist of nine-inning games each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday beginning at 9:30AM, with a second game beginning ten minutes after the conclusion of the first game, but no earlier than 11:30AM. The Board can adjust the starting time of games from the normal schedule. Batting practice times will be adjusted accordingly.
In the event a make-up doubleheader is played between two teams, all games for that day will be seven innings.
Batting practice will be from 8:30AM to 9:15AM each game day, supervised by the Captains of the teams in the first game. Player Pool members are invited to participate. In order to expedite batting practice, each batter is limited to no more than seven swings.
In the event of rain or other inclement weather, the President/Vice President will decide whether conditions are suitable for play. If field conditions are unsuitable or the field is otherwise unavailable, the team Captains will be notified, and they will notify each of their players. The Board may also contact players via text message or email. Cancelled games will be rescheduled at the Board's discretion.
All teams will qualify for the playoffs. Teams will be seeded from 1-4, based on their regular season win/loss record. The team with the best record will be seeded number one. The team with the second best record will be seeded number two and so on. In the event that teams have the same record, the Board will determine the tie-breaking criteria. The Board will determine the format for playoffs. There will be no mercy rule during the playoffs.
The annual membership dues are $25.00 for Active, Inactive and Probationary members. Playing fees are reviewed annually and are announced in the spring for the succeeding season. Full payment with a completed application must be made before the deadline set by the Board each year in order to be eligible for assignment to a team. The Board shall determine whether to accept late payment from a player and allow that member to be assigned to a team. In the alternative, the player may be assigned to the Pool. Board action will be taken to place Pool members on teams when roster conditions permit. Playing fees and dues are not normally refundable after a roster player participates in one game. At the end of the season, the Board may, at its discretion, adjust playing fees for Pool or roster players who have played a minimal number of games.
All players must wear complete, clean, and current uniforms, including caps, with jerseys tucked in for each game. Pitchers may not wear long sleeved shirts that are the same color as the softballs. Gray uniform pants or shorts must be worn. At the discretion of the Board, players not conforming to the uniform code are subject to a warning and subsequent penalties, which may include expulsion from the game and a subsequent suspension from play.
Any player unable to play when scheduled must notify their Captain and the Pool Manager as soon as they are aware they will be absent. Failure to notify the Pool Manager in a timely manner or an absence from a game without any notification may result in a one-game suspension at the discretion of the Board.
A player who will miss more than one consecutive game must also notify the Pool Manager of the length of the absence. A player who will miss 9 consecutive games due to injury or illness may be removed from the team roster and placed on the Disabled List in accordance with the By-Laws. At its discretion, the Board may allow a player who will have a several-game absence to remain on the team roster.
All players should be at the field, in uniform, and ready to play at least 15 minutes before their scheduled game time. If a player arrives after their at-bat, the lineup will be compressed until the player arrives and the player’s next at-bat occurs.
Captains are required to submit lineups no less than ten minutes before game time in the format required by the scorekeeper. Any team short a player or players at that time will notify the Player Pool Manager/Scorer's Table. Required substitutes will be drawn from the Player Pool/Supplemental Pool as appropriate.
All eligible players not assigned to a regular team will be assigned to the Player Pool to provide temporary substitutes and/or roster replacements as needed. In addition, a Supplemental Pool may be developed consisting of players from the roster of each team who desire to play additional games in order to evenly distribute playing opportunities. Players from the Player Pool will be given the opportunity to be used first before Supplemental Pool players. Pool players and other fill-ins may pitch if the game Captains agree. A Pool Manager appointed by the Board will administer substitutes in accord with procedures developed by the Board.
Player exchanges may take place at any time during the season at the discretion of the Board of Directors for the purpose of maintaining even competition among teams. Captain-initiated player-approved trades may also be proposed to the club President, who will inform the Competition Committee and solicit its recommendation. All trades and exchanges must be approved by a majority of the Board and do not become effective until a vote of the Board is taken.
Promote good sportsmanship and fair, safe play at all times.
Know and conform to all rules and ensure compliance by team members. At the discretion of the Board, a Captain that purposely ignores the rules, or misleads others about the Rules, will be removed as Captain.
Pass along all communications between the Club and team members.
Responsible for lineups, integrating substitutes, and player position assignments.
Team's sole voice for umpire discussions, appeals or protests and communications with the opposing Captain.
If the Team Captain will be absent, be responsible for appointing a Substitute Captain, who will comply with these duties and responsibilities.
Hold the best interests of the Club above the best interests of the team.
Play with good sportsmanship, fairly and safely at all times.
Know and conform to all Club rules and responsibilities.
Notify the team Captain and Pool Manager of any game absences as soon as possible.
Play positions as assigned by the Captain and perform other Club duties when requested. These may include grounds preparation, umpiring, and scorer’s table duties. All players are expected to run the scoreboard at times during the seaso
The use of profanity and other inappropriate language, and inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Such behavior may result in discipline as specified in the Club By- Laws.
No player will approach the scorekeeper during the course of the game to inquire about their individual statistics. Only team Captains will be allowed to approach the scorekeeper to inquire about game situations, such as lineup changes, number of outs, substitute runners, etc.
The pitcher must address the batter with both feet in contact with the pitching rubber and with shoulders in line with first and third bases. In this position, the pitcher must hold the ball in both hands for not less than one second and not more than five.
When one hand is taken off the ball, the pitching motion begins with the arm going back, elbow locked, and then forward to the release point below the hip. Both feet must remain in contact with the pitching rubber until the forward pitching motion begins.
At the point of release, the arm must be locked at the elbow and continue forward with a smooth follow-through. Shoulders and hips must be square with home plate, the wrist not farther from the body than the elbow.
Only one step is allowed, forward, with simultaneous delivery of the ball. The pivot foot must remain in contact with the pitching rubber from the beginning of the pitching motion until the ball is released.
The ball may not be outside of the pitcher’s wrist during any part of the delivery but may be inside with the palm up or down. There is no limitation on the twisting of the wrist, as long as the ball remains within one ball width from the hip during the downswing and release.
The ball may be swung behind the body so that it is not visible from home plate. The body may not be turned sideways during delivery.
No pitch may arc higher than six feet above the ground.
Any pitch delivered in violation of the rules will be declared illegal, and, if not swung on, shall be called a ball. If an illegal pitch is swung on and the batter and all runners do not advance safely, they shall be restored to their positions and a ball called as if there had been no swing. If an illegal pitch is swung on and the batter and all runners advance safely, the play shall stand.
Pitchers are allowed to return to pitching after being removed earlier in the game.
If the pitcher desires to walk a batter intentionally, the umpire must be notified. All pitches do not have to be delivered to the batter, and the batter will take first base.
If one team is ahead by 10 runs or more after 7 complete innings, the game will be over. There is no mercy rule for a seven-inning game. There will be no mercy rule during the playoffs. There is no limitation on the number of runs that can be scored in an inning.
Upon a joint agreement of the team Captains, any game may be ended earlier than otherwise provided by these rules; games cannot be ended before the completion of five innings.
In nine inning games, except for extraordinary circumstances like illness or in-game injury, each player will be required to play at least six (6) innings in a defensive position, and, in the event of twelve man rosters, every player, except the pitcher, will sit out at least one (1) inning defensively. The Captain will be responsible for enforcing this rule with scorekeeper assistance, if needed. Any player who feels this rule is not being complied with should first discuss the situation with the Captain. If the situation is not resolved between them, the player should then discuss it with a Board member or the Grievance Committee.
If a situation arises where the 6-inning requirement cannot be met, usually due to an in-game injury, the opposing Captain may allow the injured player to continue as a batter only for the remainder of the game. If a pre-game injury precludes a player from playing in the field for an entire game, a temporary substitute shall be appointed for the player.
Base runners must maintain contact with the base until the ball crosses the front of home plate. Runners may advance only if a ball is batted in fair territory or if a foul ball is caught, and the runner tags up.
Base runners may advance at their own risk after a ball is batted in play and until the umpire calls time out.
A base runner clearly out on a force play must slide or peel off away from the fielder. For close plays, if the runner does not slide, the runner must do everything possible to avoid contact with the fielder. It will be the umpire’s determination if a runner failed to peel away or slide when the situation required it. If the failure to peel away or slide prevents a fielder from attempting or completing a double play, the umpire may call the other runner out.
If the base runner has peeled away to avoid contact, but the fielder misplays the ball, and the runner would have been safe except for peeling off, the runner shall be awarded the base.
For tag plays at the bases, the runner shall not make intentional contact with the fielder, and if the runner does not slide, the runner must do everything possible to avoid contact with the fielder.
Bats - An illegal bat is any multi-wall bat, composite bat, modified bat, or bat that fails to meet Board approval. Any member found knowingly using such a bat may be suspended from the Club. Depending on the circumstances, the Board could initiate expulsion from the Club under the By-Laws. This is a safety matter of great importance. All Board members are charged with enforcement of this rule.
Pitcher runner - Any time the current pitcher reaches base safely, a pitcher runner may run for the pitcher. The current pitcher is the last pitcher to have delivered a pitch or, in the top of the first inning, the pitcher identified on the lineup card.
Substitute runner - Only one substitute runner per inning is allowed.
The correct pitcher runner or substitute runner is the player who is the last recorded out who has not already been used as a pitcher runner or substitute runner in the inning. In the first inning, prior to the first out, this will be the last batter in the lineup. The scorekeeper will ensure that the correct runner is used. If an incorrect runner is used, this will be corrected as soon as it is identified.
Courtesy runner - A courtesy runner may be used after a team has used its substitute runner, upon agreement by the Captains. A courtesy runner may be used only in the event of an immediate injury to a player after a substitute runner has been used in an inning. If a player has a pre-existing injury or continues to play in a game after an initial injury necessitating a courtesy runner, their team must use a substitute runner for the injured player and not a courtesy runner. The opposing Captain selects the courtesy runner. If the courtesy runner becomes the on-deck batter, the courtesy runner will be replaced at that time. A runner who is replaced with a courtesy runner may not be used as a courtesy runner for the remainder of the inning.
Playing field - The distance to the home run fence will be 250 feet; the distance between bases will be 65 feet; and the pitching distance will be 46 feet.
Second Home Plate - Use the Second Home Plate per the USA Softball Senior Slow Pitch rules.
Helmets - Players may wear protective helmets at any time; double ear flap batting helmets are not required.
Re-entry - Fielders may be substituted or replaced and re-entered an unlimited number of times, providing players occupy the same batting positions and the playing rules in Section 12 are complied with. The starting player and the substitute may be in the field at the same time.
Hit batter - Batters hit by a pitch are not awarded first base.
If a player is injured during a game, the team may use a fill-in replacement, if available at the field. The opposing team Captain shall approve the fill-in. If a fill-in is not approved or available, the lineup will be compressed.
Club Rules and Responsibilities will be promulgated or changed in accordance with the provisions of Article V, Section 4 and Article XII of the By-Laws.
Original 11/2003
Revision approved 10/2008
Revision approved 10/19/2009
Revision approved 11/01/2010
Revision approved 10/24/2011
Revision approved 10/15/2012
Revision approved 10/2014
Revision approved 10/2015
Revision approved 10/2016
Revision approved 11/2017
Revision approved 10/2021